McMaster University Software Engineer
Ayman Akhras
I'm a student at Mcmaster University working towards becoming a successful software engineer. Here's my first years engineering journey!

Work Experience

Pioneer Engineering

  • Constructed industrial electronics in summer of 2021.
  • Assisted in the manufacturing of rectangular led and non-led flush mount ceiling lights.
  • Connected wires, worked with machines and placed the rectangle led flush mount ceiling lights in cardboard boxes and tapped them, so they can be shipped to an electrician and he can install them in homes, schools, etc.
  • Extracular Experience

    McMaster Solar Car

  • Worked in a team of 30 members in both electrical and programming deadlines for 2021 summer competitions
  • Programming in C++ in Mplab to program A PIC18FK40 to flash car singals on button click to help build in the production of electric vehicles.
  • Integrating new technologies in creative ways to create an inventive and efficient solar race car.
  • McMaster Makers

    McmasterMakers Logo
  • Worked with a team of 3 to create a workshop about the app flutter and present it to a grand amount of people. Teaching its many components this includes: Stack(), Containers() and behavior of the program dart.
  • McMaster Leading Edge

  • Collaborated with an interdisciplinary team to create a 2-dimensional platform game using Unity and C#.
  • Utilized GitHub Teams to integrate code while following the waterfall design process.
  • McMaster Developer Student Club

  • Mentor for other students teaching C languages and python. Completing many leetcode from arrays, LinkedLists, Bit Minpulation, Dynamic Programming, Two Pointers, Breadth-First Search, and Depth First Search.
  • Explored various data structures and algorithms such as 1 notation, hash maps, dictionaries while considering runtime and space limitations.
  • Projects

    Project Varis

  • Programming Jeston Nano to move on tracker control. Using OpenCV, ROS, Jeston-Interfaces and Miniconda.
  • Skills





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